I am thinking... God is good.
I am thankful for... a wonderful husband who loves me unconditionally.
From the learning rooms... preparing for new math skills for my son.
From the kitchen... Not sure what to fix with the pound of hamburger I have thawed in the fridge.
I am wearing... peace from my heavenly Father.
I am creating... a new verse to put on our living room wall. My parents are joining us for lunch today, and then we will work together to create this new reminder of faith.
I am going... to stay home all day tomorrow.
I am reading... Shame Lifters, by Marilyn Hontz.
I am hoping... and praying that God will bless us soon with a new baby.
I am hearing... the hum of the corn stove, and my husband asking if he can interrupt me again. J
Around the house... it is very clear to me that it is time for spring cleaning. I’m ready to air the house out and get rid of these nasty cobwebs.
One of my favorite things... is the comfort of my husband’s arm around me as we sit in church and the sound of my children’s voices singing praise songs at church.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Lunch with my parents today. Bible study on Tuesday. Lunch with a hurting friend on Wednesday. Lunch with a few ladies from church on Thursday along with music lessons for my son. Friday is braiding hair day…YUCK!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Good Morning, Hannah,
Your blog came up on my Google Alert and I noticed that you mentioned you were reading my book, Shame Lifter. First of all, thank you for posting that...that was a fun surprise for me. I pray it is an encouragement to you.
Second, I loved how you wrote about what you were "wearing"..."God's peace." It is so wonderful when the Lord gently rains down His sweet peace on us - And He does that right in the middle of the storms in life! I know when it's His peace because there is no way I could manufacture those quiet, calming feelings. His peace is incredibly soothing and comforting, isn't it?
I also wanted you to know that the Lord has put you on my heart to pray for you today and to pray for the many God-appointments you have this week.
"Praise the Lord; praise God our Savior! For each day He carries us in His arms. Psalm 68:19 NLT
Blessings to you,
I enjoyed the thoughts you shared today. I'm sure your MIL will not mind a bit!
Sue - You are correct this mother-in-love does not mind at all.
Hannah - I was excited to see you taking part in The Simple Woman's Daybook. It is a nice way to begin the week and gather our thoughts together. How sweet for Marilyn to comment on your blog! You are certainly blessed in so many ways. I continue to pray for the Lord to bless you with a baby too. Friends from church ask about you and Jesse, Phebe, and Abner all the time. They are praying too.
Marilyn - Thank you so much for commenting on my blog, but more importantly thank you for your prayers.
I can't find the words to thank you for writing Shame Lifters. It has truly changed my life. My mom gave me the book many months ago and I refused to read it. She never pushed but continued to pray that I would someday open it's pages. I finally did. :0) I read about 1/3 of it and was so convicted I stopped reading it. A lady in my town started a six week study on the book and someone graciously paid my way to go. It's been wonderful! Thank you for allowing the Lord to use your life hurts to help others. God Bless
Sue- You were right!
Mom- Thanks for the prayers and you are so right...I am VERY blessed!
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