I am thinking…that it’s not fair that when I got sick the rest of the family got sick. When do I get to get babied? ;o)
I am thankful...that my hubby and I are on the mend from this silly cold.
From the kitchen...was homemade chicken noodle soup. I’m sure that’s what cured us! Well, that and the 5 million vitamin C tablets my hubby had us take.
I am wearing...an achiness in my bones as well as my spirit.
I am remembering...that I am here to bring honor and glory to Him.
I am going...to lose it if things don’t start turning around for my daughter.
I am praying…for so many hurts of sweet people that I love.
On my mind…is how much longer before my family can enjoy an abundant life. Not financially mind you, but the abundant life in John 10:10.
I am reading: A Cry for Justice: Overcome anger, reject bitterness and trust in JESUS who will fight for you. By: Shelly Hundly
I am hearing...a television show that Jesse and Abner are watching, and Asher pretending to be a truck.
Around the house...are my favorite decorations…FALL!
Noticing that….they weren’t lying when they said it was more difficult to lose weight after 40.
Pondering these words…You is good…you is kind…you is important.
One of my favorite things...is seeing Asher smile at me when he knows he’s being naughty.
A picture thought… Photo shoot with Asher :o) Phebe LOVES to take pictures!!!
Tuckered him right out!
I LOVE this post. You painted such a vivid picture :)
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