Before reading One Call Away I must admit that I had never heard of Brenda Warner. Now that I have read the book I’m happy to say that I feel that I’ve gotten to know her and am quite happy about that. What a wonderful example for any Christian lady to follow. She wasn’t perfect, but she sure was faithful.
I started reading this book thinking about how much I wish I would have picked a different book to read. After reading for about 30 seconds I had a complete change of mind. I could not put the book down. I read when I should have been working, cooking, cleaning, and even sleeping. Brenda Warner had quite an eventful life…more often bad than good. She starts off by explaining her life from childhood. There were many times while reading about this time of her life that I had to wipe away tears. The book goes into her adult life and my tears continued to slide down my face.
It was amazing to watch her as she stayed the course no matter what life threw at her. Let me say here that life wasn’t kind in its throwing. Brenda really had me evaluating how I responded to hardships and hurts in my life. I wish I could say that I was as faithful and strong as she was, but sadly I have not been.
If you have ever struggled with forgiveness, pre-marital sex, abuse, financial woes, divorce, what you believe, betrayal, or loss. This book is the book for you. Brenda wasn’t perfect in all of her choices, but no one is. She was very honest in how she lived her life…right or wrong. I have to admit that I didn’t enjoy the book as much after she became a millionaire. Maybe it was just a jealous streak in me, but it was difficult for me to hear her complain about having too much money.
Even though life hasn’t always been easy for me I feel like it’s been a cake walk when compared to Brenda Warner. I hope that after reading this book I’ll be more thankful for what I have and encouraged to be a faithful Christian no matter how difficult life gets.
I received a copy of “One Call Away” from Booksneeze.com
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